So what can we do about it?

Trauma Healing & Counseling
Those we work with have gone through extremely traumatic experiences, often even before experiencing the violence and exploitation of the brothel. They need safe places to process what they have been through and to gain an understanding of their trauma, developing the skills needed to thrive.
Our team is trained in trauma-informed care and offers appropriate encouragement and guidance in all our interactions. We also have a trained counselor on our team who provides one-on-one and group counselling.
Our dream is to one day have a safe space outside of the brothel where they can receive more in-depth training and counseling.
Vocational & Life Skills Training
With little education or experience and in a country plagued by war and poverty, it is a challenge for the women we work with to imagine how they might survive without selling their bodies. Our team provides practical skills training which not only gives them financial options, but also shows them their worth as they begin discovering abilities they never knew they had.
We currently partner with a local non-profit to train girls in sewing. Those who finish the course are given their own sewing machine and a start up kit to run their own business. They may also choose to learn catering or hair dressing.
We hope to eventually be able to offer education and training in business, finances, and other practical skills at our own center giving dozens of girls an opportunity to start a new life for themselves.

We believe that lasting healing and freedom comes from a relationship with Jesus Christ. We lead regular discipleship courses for those who participate in a program with us. We also offer a regular outreach in the brothel which includes bible storying and fun activities. This time together is often a highlight of the girls’ week as we play games, provide therapeutic activities, sing together, and listen to their struggles.
Despite our Christian values, we interact with women of all faiths and offer the same support and assistance to all.
The changes needed go beyond individual decisions by those we are working to reach. They need safe and supportive communities outside of the environment they are exiting from. We seek to educate church and community leaders on the issues women in commercial sexual exploitation face, the reasons for them being there, and what is needed for them to gain freedom.
We hope to also provide some education for church and community leaders on sex trafficking, the dangers and what to watch for in their own communities to protect more girls from being exploited and used in the future.